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Welcome to my website 👋

My name is José A Bolanos.

I love coding.

I am at my best when coding in Python, VBA, and JS (incl. vanilla-JS, jQuery, React, GatsbyJS, and Astro). I also really like SQL, up to and including analytical functions.

I am particularly good at combining languages/stacks. For instance, this website combines Astro, React, and Three.js.

I enjoy thinking.

I am a Political Economist and was previously in academia (KCL, TU Dresden, LSE). This is helpful when dealing with digital ethics/sustainability challenges or complex political/regulatory landscapes.

Additionally, though oft overlooked, the combination of skills shows I love and am good at discovering new things, which, as it turns out, is a huge advantage in coding.

Website made with:

astro. ASTRO js. JS typescript. TYPESCRI mdx. MDX tailwind. TAILWIND threejs. THREEJS



Thanks for taking the time to learn about me!

Do take the time to email me so I can learn about you, too!