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A Python-meets-Javascript-meets-VBA tool able to produce websites from different types of documents, even Word documents.

Available via GitHub.


Despite being WEIRD (rather, thanks to it), the tool can produce surprisingly good and fairly sustainable websites from little more than just a few documents.

That said WEIRD is somewhat difficult to visualise. In fact, it is called WEIRD because it is weird. It is coded in layers using different language programmes (Python, VBA, JS):

  • The main logic is Python-driven
  • Comms with documents types is handled with either Python or VBA
  • The tool produces HTML, CSS, JS-based (static) websites.


WEIRD is highly experimental.

Once set up, WEIRD does produce fantastically sustainable websites. The results are, quite honestly, superb, which is the main reason why I have not taken the project down.

That said, the tool is incredibly difficult to visualise and set up due to the need to visualise how the different languages combine.

I will post a new version if and when I figure out a way to make it user-friendly.


WEIRD is open-source (Apache 2.0).